Part III: Heading East

Day seventeen: Tempe, AZ +356, 6.6 Day nineteen: Albuquerque, NM +412, 6.8 Day twenty: Denver, CO +449, 6.9 Day twenty-two: Oswego, IL +971, 6.11   Total miles traveled from 5.23-6.11: 6,594.9 miles  

Part II: South, US Coastal Highway 1

Day ten: Oakland, CA +807 miles, 6.1   Day eleven: Lan Luis Obispo, CA +265 miels, 6.2 Day twelve: Buelton, CA +63 miles, 6.3 Day thirteen: San Diego, CA +261 miles, 6.4

Part I: I-90 West

Day one: Albert Lea, Minnesota +449, 5.23 Day two: Rapid City, South Dakota +515, 5.24 Day three: Bozeman, Montana +532, 5.25 Day four:  Lolo, Montana +356, 5.26 Day five: Ellensburg, WA +380, 5.27 Day six: Seattle, WA +313, 5.28  

On The Road

Hello! I am writing this from an amazing AirBnB in Lolo, Montanta. This is our fourth stop on a three week long road trip across America. Our main stops will be Seattle, San Louis Obispo, and Denver with tons a small stops and side roads along the way. Following graduation from my masters of architecture…

Crunchtime Snapshots

From Tuesday to Thursday afternoon, each team was in final production mode and no one got much sleep. After sleeping 4.5 hours between the two days, Thursday was a blur but we printed on time and everything was good to go for our presentation on Friday. I and another group member did our presentation and…

Populonia, Siena, and Monteriggioni

Last Sunday was our day of rest which meant that most of us split up and went exploring. I had planned on spending my day wandering around Volterra and sketching. I started off by walking outside the city to Saint Giusto. This 16th century church took about 10 minutes to walk to from the school….

Vacation’s Over

Ciao! The design workshop in Volterra has officially begun. We have been given the prompt, divided into three teams, and have gone on a site visit. Volterra and the facilities here are wonderful. Driving was an experience; we spent a majority of our time on smaller roads that zigzagged up and down and stretched our…

Nice today, Volterra tomorrow

Our final day in Nice was spent relaxing and eating our way through Old Town. After waking up late, we grabbed breakfast at a boulangerie and ate on the steps of the Palais de Justice. We then attempted to get coffee at a cafe in the square but after waiting 10 minutes with no service,…

Nice and Monaco

Today was spent running all over Nice and parts of Monaco. We climbed an old fort, got food from the market, had a picnic in la promenade du Paillon visited le Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain, saw the Casino de Monte-Carlo, and had dinner on the coast in Monaco. The weather was warm, sunny, and after walking roughly…

Second Try’s a Charm

After three airports, two flights, a bus ride, and one failed apartment reservation later, we’ve settled for the next three days in Nice! Our seven hour flight from Chicago to Dublin was fairly uneventful and we successfully made it to our connecting two hour flight from Dublin to Nice. While totally exhausted but excited, we…